The Rolling Stones
Documentary on the Rolling Stones, using extensive archive footage and interviews with the likes of band members Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.
Tha ainm aig na Rolling Stones airson an 霉ine a tha iad air a bhith ann an gn矛omhachais a' chi霉il a bharrachd air caitheamh beatha gach ball. Anns na 60an, choisinn iad sluagh m貌r de luchd-leantainn leis an ce貌l rock 'n' roll 霉r st猫idhte air blues, agus am pr矛omh sheinneadair tarraingeach aca, Mick Jagger. Choisinn na h-脿mhailtean agus an t-猫ideadh aige cli霉 air feadh an t-saoghail.
Tha cur an-gr猫im, drugaichean, buaireadh, b脿s agus c脿irdeas air a bhith gualain ri gualain ri cl脿ran soirbheachail agus cuirmean l脿n air feadh an t-saoghail. Cleachdaidh am pr貌gram seo dealbhan bhon tasglann agus agallamhan le leithid Mick Jagger agus Keith Richards gus sealladh a thoirt air aon de na c貌mhlain ci霉il as seasmhaiche agus as tlachdmhoire a th' ann agus a tha fhathast a cheart cho tarraingeach a dh'aindeoin a h-uile c脿il.
The Rolling Stones are as well known for their long service to music as they are for each band member's highly public personal journeys. Pioneering a gritty blues-based style of rock 'n' roll in the 60s, the Stones gathered fans and momentum alike with frontman Mick Jagger's unique showmanship attracting plenty of attention, and his charisma and unique style became infamous across the world.
Arrests, drugs, fall-outs, death and relationships have stood centre-stage with consecutive number-one albums and sold-out concerts around the world. Using extensive archive footage and interviews with the likes of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, this programme takes a look at one of music's most enduring and entertaining rock bands and how they've stood the test of time, against the odds.