Sraid nan Sgread/Scream Street Episodes Episode guide
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Droch Fhuil
Tha Resus faighinn cothrom bhith na ghaisgeach. Resus is given the chance to be the hero.
An R矛oghachd Sgreadaidh
Tha draoidheachd toirt cumhachd do Niles. Niles is magically given power over the town.
Cleas no Sgread
Oidhche Shamhna air Sr脿id nan Sgread. It's time for halloween on Scream Street.
An Gaol Sgreadaidh
Tha Otto air an fhearg a chur air na r貌gairean. Otto upsets the zombies.
Biadh D霉irn an Eagail
Tha Luke a' lorg obair p脿irt-霉ine. Luke gets himself a part time job.
Am Miann Sgreadaidh
Tha Resus gus a mhiann fhaighinn - son pris! Resus' wish comes true - but at a price.
Mallachd na h-脪ige Maireannaich
Tha Cleo ag adhbharachadh trioblaid. Cleo inadvertently causes chaos.
Obair Dachaigh Sgreadaidh
Tha obair-dachaigh na dhragh mh貌r do Luke. Homework proves to be a huge burden for Luke.
Corragan M猫irle
Tha Otto ri miastadh turas eile. Otto is up to his usual bad tricks.
An Galar Sgreadaidh
Tha bh矛oras gus Sr脿id nan Sgread a chur fodha. A virus threatens to take over the street.
An Sloc Gun Ghrunnd
Tha Luke a' d猫anamh mearachd f矛or r貌pach. Luke makes a very messy mistake.
An Aisling Sgreadaidh
Tha Resus a' fulang leis an trom-laighe. Resus struggles to deal with his nightmares.
Coltas air Chall
Tha Luke 'g adhbharachadh trioblaid do dh'Eefa. Luke causes problems for Eefa.
M脿thair nan Seachd Eagail
Luke comes home to an unexpected guest as Otto moves in with the Watsons.
An R猫is Sgreadaidh
Tha r猫is mh貌r Sgread ag adhbharachadh sgaradh. The Scream Street derby causes tension.
An Linne Dhonne
The Watsons are off on holiday but things aren't quite as peaceful as they had hoped.
Am Plannta Sgreadaidh
Tha pr猫asant Luke ag adhbharachadh buaireadh. Luke's present causes mayhem.
M猫irle le Bristeadh-Cridhe
Tha Cleo ann an cunnart aig l脿mhan Otto. Otto puts Cleo in danger.
Slighe Sgreadaidh!
Tha planaichean leasachaidh ann son a' bhaile. There are development plans for the town.
Sg脿than Sg脿than
Tha faileas Resus na thrioblaid uabhasach dha. Resus' reflection is troubling him.
Sutha Sgreadaidh
Tha an sutha a' coimhead son creutair 霉r, annasach. The zoo is in search of a new specimen
Resus Roc
Tha Resus a' faighinn cli霉 mu dheireadh thall. Resus finally gets his shot at fame.
An Ce貌l Sgreadaidh
Tha p脿rantan Luke a' fastadh tidsear-taighe. Luke's parents hire him a home-school tutor.
An Gaol Sgreadaidh
Resus asks Luella to help him cast a love spell on his parents.
An Taigh Sgreadaidh
Tha taigh 霉r a' nochdadh air an t-sraid. A new house pops up on the street.
Sgioblachadh Sgreadaidh
Tha obair-glanaidh a' cur bacadh air Luke. Luke's messy bedroom causes no end of trouble.