Episode 2
Seumas MacDonald narrates a series about the wildlife of the Scottish Highlands. It is summer, the most intense of all seasons in the Highlands.
Air a' chiad shealladh, tha coltas uaigneach, gun bheò air a' Ghà idhealtachd ach tha beartas fiadh-bheatha anns an à ite chruaidh seo, ma tha fhios agad cà ite an coimhead thu. Ged a tha na rà ithean cruaidh 's gun na cothromanan ach gann, tha ainmhidhean agus daoine an-còmhnaidh air dòigh fhaighinn gus soirbheachadh an seo, a' tionndadh duilgheadas gu buannachd.
Ann an ceithir phrògraman, bidh Seumas Dòmhnallch ag aithris air cridhe fiadhaich na h-Alba, a' Ghà idhealtachd. Gar toirt tro na raithean, chìthear bho dheireadh a' Mhà rt agus na beanntan a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh fo smà l nam falaisgearan gu dùnadh a' gheamhraidh agus sealgairean leithid iolairean-buidhe a' gluasad astar fada airson biadh fhaighinn.
On the face of it, things look bleak and lifeless but wildlife is thriving in this unforgiving place, if you know where to look.
Seumas MacDonald takes us through the harsh seasons to discover that although opportunities may be fleeting, animals and people find ways to succeed here, turning adversity into advantage.
Of all seasons in the Highlands, summer is the most intense. But it's also the richest, with seas and mountains yielding their greatest bounty.
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Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Seumas MacDonald |
- Wed 9 Nov 2016 21:00
- Mon 14 Nov 2016 22:30
- Wed 19 Apr 2017 21:00
- Mon 24 Apr 2017 22:30
- Tue 20 Feb 2018 21:00
- Sun 25 Feb 2018 21:00
- Fri 5 Jul 2019 21:00
- Sat 16 Jan 2021 22:00
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A' Ghaidhealtachd / Highlands
Seumas MacDonald narrates a dramatic portrait of his homeland's wildlife