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Pr貌iseict Bocsa
Episode 21 of 52
Carson a tha Mam cho toilichte an-diugh? Animated children's show. Mum is very excited as boxes appear in the post but the Floogals fail to understand why.
Tha Mam Daonna fior thoilichte nuair a nochdas am posta le bocsaichean ach chan eil na Floogals a tuigsinn d猫 tha cho math mu rud cho 脿bhaisteach. Ge-t脿, tha iad an uairsin a tuigsinn g' eil ioma rud math mu bocsa simplidh!
Mum Hooman is very happy when the postman brings her boxes but the Floogals fail to see what could be so exciting about something so ordinary. However, they soon see that there are many wonderful things about the simple box!
Last on
Sun 24 Feb 2019