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Pr貌iseict Lorg Uighean
Episode 22 of 52
Tha slighe ionmhais ag adhbharachadh m矛-rian. Animated children's show. Mum and Dad prepare an egg hunt for the kids, causing confusion for the Floogals.
Tha Mam 's Dad ag ullachadh slighe ionmhais ugh dhan chlann ach tha na Floogals den bheachd g' eil na h-uighean air tuiteam orra 's iad a' feuchainn rin sgioblachadh air an son.
Mum and Dad are preparing an egg hunt for the kids. However, the Floogals mistakenly think that they have accidentally dropped the eggs and attempt to tidy up for them.
Last on
Sun 3 Mar 2019