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Beairteas na Beairt/Riches of the Loom

Episode 9 of 21

Documentary following a family of Russian artists as they fashion a moving sculpture from the iconic Hattersley loom.

Trath ann an 2016 thadhal teaghlach de luchd-ealain Ruiseanach, Tatyana, Eduard agus am mac Sergey air eilean Leòdhas son turas iongantach ealain a thòiseachadh. Còmhla mar Sharmanka tha iad a' cruthachadh iomhaighean-snaighte gluasadach sònraichte. San iomairt inntinneach ealain seo that seann bheàirt Hattersley air a cruthachadh as ùr, agus sgeulachd a' Chlò Mhòir aig cridhe a' phìos ealain ùr, smuaineachail.

In early 2016 a family of Russian artists, Tatyana, Eduard and son Sergey arrived in Lewis as they started a fascinating artistic journey. Together as Sharmanka, they collaborate to create unique kinetic sculptures, and Roddy Murray from the local arts centre, An Lanntair, commissioned them to create one of their famous moving sculptures which they will fashion from a disused Hattersley loom, and give their unique artistic take on the story of Harris Tweed.

We join them on an initial recce as they find out more about the island, Harris tweed, the weavers themselves, and the iconic loom. Once they identify the specific loom which hasn't been in use for 30 years, another visit sees them carefully dismantle and transport it to Glasgow, before the Sharmanka team reassemble and reinterpret it, and return it to the island to a new life as a fantastical Sharmanka creation - a celebration of light, sound, and movement.

We also hear about how the new colours and textures of the Harris Tweed revival, inspired by the landscape and environment, have led to new opportunities for the fragile island economy, with the industry having enjoyed a renaissance recently.

1 hour


Role Contributor
Presenter Calum Angus Mackay
