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Pr貌iseict Peantaidh
Episode 34 of 52
Feumaidh na Floogals f脿s cruthachail. Animated children's show. The Floogals accidentally manage to ruin Girl Hooman's painting with their tiny footprints.
Airson barrachd ionnsachadh mu pailead nan dath aig Nighean Daoona, tha na Floogals, le mearachd, a milleadh an dealbh aice. Feumaidh iad f脿s cruthachail gus an t-annas-l脿imhe ath-chruthachadh dhith.
Curious about Girl Hooman's paint palette, the Floogals accidentally manage to ruin her painting with their tiny footprints. The team must now find their creative flair in order to recreate her masterpiece!
Last on
Sun 26 May 2019