Losgadh air a' Phap/Shooting of the Pontiff
An là a chaidh losgadh air a' Phà p Iain Pòl II. Documentary about the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in 1981.
An Ròimh, 13mh den Chèitean 1981. Tha Iain Pòl II a' dol timcheall Ceà rnag an Naoimh Pheadair ann an cà r fosgailte am measg nam mìltean de dhaoine aoibhneach. Gu h-obann, tha fuaim gunna a' losgadh anns a' cheà rnag a' leagail am Pà p agus a' cur an à ite air bhoil. Tha am prògram seo a' toirt sùil air an là eachdraidheil seo, a' bruidhinn ri daoine a bha ann air an là , agus a' sealltainn ath-chruthachaidhean saidheansail, a' feuchainn ri fuasgladh fhaighinn air an t-suidheachadh timcheall na h-ionnsaigh toinnte seo.
Rome, 12 May 1981. Pope John Paul II crosses St Peter's Square in an open vehicle among thousands of cheering people. Suddenly three shots ring out across the square and the Pope collapses. A few minutes later an ambulance is hurtling towards the Gemelli Hospital, sirens wailing. As four surgeons fight to save the Pope's life, the first theories about the attack are already circulating: who is the assassin Mehmet Ali Agca? A mentally ill criminal who acted alone? A terrorist, or is he the scapegoat for an international conspiracy?
The attack, which was described as the "crime of the century", launched an unprecedented investigation that generated more questions than answers. This documentary, with exclusive eye-witness accounts and scientific reconstructions, seeks to bring the evidence together and bring clarity to the questions that remain unanswered.
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