Lana Turner
Beatha agus soirbheachas Lana Turner. Documentary following the life and success of actress Lana Turner, one of Hollywood's biggest names.
B' e Lana Turner aon de na rionnagan a b' ainmeile ann a Hollywood le dreuchd a mhair faisg air 50 bliadhna. Tha am pr貌gram seo ag innse mun rionnag ainmeil tro a slighe beatha agus a soirbheachas na cleasaiche.
Lana Turner was one of the biggest names in Hollywood, with a career spanning nearly 50 years. Born in 1921, Lana Turner was discovered in 1936 in a Hollywood cafe and signed with the MGM film producers in 1938. Her career also made her a pin-up model and she was named the most "glamorous woman in the history of international art".
Turner's career continued into the 80s when she took on a guest role in American TV series Falcon Crest. Turner married seven times, had many love interests and hit major controversy in 1958 when her daughter Cheryl Crane murdered Johnny Stompanato in their Beverly Hills home after a domestic incident.
In 1992 she was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and later died in 1995. This documentary follows the life of a Hollywood legend through her dramatic life and Hollywood success.