Tarraing nan Tonn (Chasing Waves)
Sealladh spòrsail, inntinneach air saoghal surfaidh eilean Leòdhais. John Murdo MacAulay takes a fun-filled and revealing journey into the world of surfing on the Isle of Lewis.
Tha Eilean Leòdhais ’s na h-Eileanan an Iar air taobh tuath siar na h-Alba air a stialladh le gaoth agus stoirmean fiadhaich a’ Chuain Shiair fad na bliadhna.
Dha cuid de luchd sgiorraidh aig a bheil mòr spèis shònraichte dhan mhuir, tha an t-à ite seo na dhachaigh son adhbhar gu math sònraichte – Surfadh.
Tha Iain Murchadh MacAmhlaigh a tha à Leòdhas gar toirt air turas spòrsail, inntinneach son an tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach mu shaoghal surfaidh an à ite shònraichte seo. Tha sinn ga leantainn tro an iomadh atharrachadh a thig leis na diofar rà ithean – bho dhorchadas nimheil a’ Gheamhraidh, gu oidhcheannan iongantach, fada soilleir an t-Samhraidh.
‘S e a’ gabhail a’ chiad cheumannan san uisge mar neach-ionnsachaidh surfaidh , chan fhada gus am faigh e a-mach nach eil e idir cho furasta ‘s a tha e a’ coimhead!
Chan eil fà ilte bhlà th chridheil luchd-surfaidh an eilein ach a’ cur ri rùn Iain Mhurchaidh faighinn air bhà rr nan tonn. Tarraing nan Tonn – sùil thogarrach, thlachdmhor air dòigh beatha sònraichte, agus pà irt den t-saoghal a tha an dà chuid air leth agus prìseil.
The Isle of Lewis, in the Western Isles in the far north west of Scotland, is lashed by wind and wild Atlantic storms throughout the year. For some adventurous ocean lovers however, this place is called home for a very specific reason - surfing.
Lewis resident John Murdo MacAulay takes us on a fun-filled and revealing journey into the world of surfing in this unique place. We follow him through the seasonal changes – from the depths of a bitter Hebridean winter, to the stunning, long summer nights.
As he takes his first strokes as a beginner surfer he discovers that it’s not as easy as it might look. The warm and welcoming spirit of the local island surfers only adds to John Murdo’s enthusiasm and determination to 'catch a wave'.
Chasing Waves - an affectionate and revealing portrait of a special way of life, and a unique and stunning part of the world.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | John Murdo MacAulay |
Producer | David Martin |
Director | Jim Hope |
Production Company | MacTV |
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