Episode 1
Ceathrar luchd-tionnsgain biadh is deoch: hama finealta, sabhs tiolaidh, deoch-bhog, bhodca. Four food and drink entrepreneurs: artisan bacon, chilli sauces, soft drinks and vodka.
Leanaidh am prògram seo ceathrar luchd-tionnsgain a bhios a' cleachdadh cuid dhen bhiadh is deoch as fheà rr a th' againn airson bathar finealta a chruthachadh – seudan dìomhair preasa na h-Alba.
Chaidh Mark Reynolds dhan Eadailt a dh'ionnsachadh cleachdaidhean charcuterie, agus bidh e a-nise a' dèanamh hama finealta san à th a thog e aig an taigh ann an Àthfort.
Bidh Graeme Jarron a' fàs buntà ta ann an Siorrachd Aonghais, agus rinn e feum dhen bhuntà ta a dhiùlt na bùithtean ri linn meudachd neo cumadh – thòisich e a' grùdadh a' chiad bhodca bhuntà ta ann an Alba –bho fhearann gu glainne air an taca.
Bidh Ellie Sinclair a tha 23 a' fàs piobaran-tiolaidh is tomà tothan ann an le dealan a bharrachd a bhios a h-athair a' giullachd bho... fheur! Agus, bha Claire Rennie a' sireadh deoch-bhog bhlasta, is bidh i a-nise a' reic an t-uisge tonic aice fhèin ri Harvey Nichols bhon taca aice san ear thuath.
This documentary follows four entrepreneurs who have taken some of Scotland's best natural food and drink resources, and created an artisan product - the hidden gems of Scotland’s larder.
Offshore oil engineer Mark Reynolds went to Italy to learn traditional charcuterie techniques and now makes artisan bacon from his home in Aberdeenshire, produced in his home-made smoker.
Graeme Jarron is a farmer in Angus who found a way to use potatoes that were the wrong size or shape for the supermarket they supplied, and he became the first potato vodka producer in Scotland - from ground to glass, all on his farm.
23-year-old Ellie Sinclair grows chillies and tomatoes in Aberdeenshire, using spare electricity her father generates on his farm from grass. And Claire Rennie’s search for tasty soft drinks led to her supplying Harvey Nichols with their own brand tonic water from her north coast farm.
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Role | Contributor |
Executive Producer | Margaret Cameron |
Producer | Patricia Macleod |
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