Born in Bradford Episodes Episode guide
Gasping for Breath
What is the take-up of a new vaccine that could keep thousands of babies out of hospital?
Winifred Robinson reports from Bradford as 30,000 teenagers have their lives documented.
The Age of Wonder
Winifred Robinson reports on a unique investigation into child mental health in Bradford.
Mental Health
Born in Bradford is focusing on the mental health of 13,000 children followed from birth.
Winifred Robinson finds out what's been happening to families tracked in Born in Bradford.
Diabetes and Tooth Decay
Winifred Robinson's latest report on the families of children born in Bradford 2007-2009.
Child development and attainment
Winifred Robinson tracks the lives of the 14,000 families taking part in Born in Bradford.
Academic achievement and child health
Winifred Robinson reports on the Born in Bradford research involving thousands of babies.
Support for new mothers
Winifred Robinson reports on the lives of thousands of families being tracked in Bradford.
Air pollution and child health
Winifred Robinson follows health research into the lives of thousands of Bradford babies.
Diabetes and mental illness in extended families
Thousands of Bradford babies are being followed in the biggest health survey of its kind.
Cot death and co-sleeping
Winifred Robinson tracks researchers on one of the world's largest child health studies.
Cousin marriage and birth defects
Doctors are tracking thousands of Bradford babies from birth to better understand illness.
Birthweight and Health
Why are genetic disorders and cases of infant mortality are so high in Bradford?