Craobhan na h-Alba/Scotland's Trees
Alison Ni Dhorchaidhe visits heritage trees across Scotland to discover what makes them so special.
Ann an Alba tha craobhan cho sean, cho à rd is inntinneach sa th’air an t-saoghal. Sa phrògram seo tha eòlaiche nà dair, Alison Nà Dhorchaidhe, a’coimhead craobhan suidhichte nar n-eachdraidh, ach an tuig i dè tha gam fà gail sònraichte. A’chraobh is sine tha beò ann am Breatainn, agus ’s dòcha san Roinn Eòrpa, iubhar Fartairchill: thathar a’meas a h-aois eadar dà mhìle is còig mìle bliadhna – ach chì Alison cuideachd tochailt craoibhe ann am Muile a tha trì fichead muillionn bliadhna a dh’aois.
Tha craobhan sònraichte à rd ann an Gleann na Rèilige – an learag is à irde, an teile is à irde, agus ’s dòcha a’chraobh is à irde buileach ann am Breatainn, giuthas Dhùghlais. Tha Alison cuideachd a’cluinntinn mun bheul-aithris tha buntainn ri craobhan dùthchasach, mun eachdraidh sgrìobhte ann an cearcaill an stuic, agus mun à ite th’aig coillteireachd ann an à rainneachd agus eaconomaidh na h-Alba.
Scotland is home to some of the tallest, oldest and most fascinating trees in the world. Nature enthusiast Alison Ni Dhorchaidhe visits heritage trees across the country to discover what it is that makes them so special.
The oldest living tree in the UK - and perhaps Europe - is the Fortingall Yew. Estimates of its age range from 2,000 to 5,000 years, but Alison also visits a tree fossil on Mull which is 60 million years old! Reelig Glen is home to many record-breaking tall trees including the tallest larch, the tallest lime and a contender for the tallest tree in Britain – a Douglas Fir.
Alison also finds out about the folklore associated with various native species, about the study of tree rings and what it can tell us about our past, and about the role forestry has to play in Scotland’s environment and economy.
Last on
Alison Nà Dhorchaidhe a' dèanamh luaidh air craobhan na h-Alba
Duration: 01:14
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Alison Ni Dhorchaidhe |
Producer | Julie McCrone |
Producer | Faye MacLean |
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