Episode 4
Anna Macleod chats to Rosemary Ward and Ben Ã’ Ceallaigh about their favourite books.
An t-seachdain-sa, ‘s iad Rosemary Ward agus Ben Ò Ceallaigh a bhios a’ taghadh nan leabhraichean. Nam measg, poileataigs cà nain agus geopoileataigs ,stòiridhean èibhinn agus ficsean òigridh agus abair gu bheil pailteas de shà r sgrìobhadairean Gà idhlig againn dhuibh.
Tha ceangal là idir aig Rosemary Ward le leabraichean oir chur i seachad bliadhnaichean ag obair dha Comhairle nan Leabhraichean Gà idhlig agus a-nis tha i mar stiùiriche do Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba. Buinidh Ben Ó Ceallaigh do thaobh siar na h-Èireann.
Tha e na oileanach a’ coimhead ri ath-bheothachadh chanain, agus tha poileataigs an cois cà nain air leth cudthromach dha. Agus tha iad air leabhar a mholadh dha chèile ‘son a leughadh. Ach le roghainnean leughaidh uabhasach eadar-dhealaichte, de’m beachd a ghadh iad air molaidhean a chèile?
Rosemary Ward and Ben Ó Ceallaigh discuss books of special interest to them. The range of books included cover the language of politics and geopolitics, humorous stories and youth fiction.
Gaelic writers also feature prominently within the selection. Rosemary Ward has an enduring association with literature through her work at the Gaelic Books Council and is presently a director of Scottish Book Trust.
Ben Ó Ceallaigh hails from the west of Ireland and is currently studying language revival. Language politics and the way language and linguistic differences between peoples are dealt with in the political arena are also of great significance. Each guest has recommended a book for the other to read but with such divergent taste in reading material, how will they rate their recommendation?
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Tha Rosemary a' leughadh earrann bho 'Mil san Tì'
Duration: 02:11
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Anna Macleod |
Producer | Donna Murchison |
Director | John Smith |
Production Manager | Kevin Walker |
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