20th Anniversary Video
20/20 Olympia celebrates her 20th video.
Tube Trip
19/20 Olympia takes viewers on a tour of the tubes.
The Ball Pit
18/20 Olympia takes viewers into the Odd Squad Ball Pit.
Otis Fills In
17/20 With Olympia out sick, her partner Otis steps in.
Oona Fills In
16/20 Oona fills in for Olympia and unboxes a gift.
How Odd Is Odd Squad?
15/20 Olympia share little known odd facts about headquarters.
Your Questions, Part 2
14/20 Olympia answers more questions sent in by viewers.
Lets Get Historical
13/20 Olympia gives a tour of the Odd Squad Trophy Room. (R)
Meet Agent Olo
12/20 Olympia interviews agent Olo who recounts her life as a dust ball. (R)
Interview with Olive
11/20 Olympia interviews her hero on the phone.
The Creature Room
10/20 Olympia visits Ocean and gets a tour of the Creature Room. (R)
Coach O's Life Tips
9/20 Coach O fills in for Olympia and counts down his Top 10 Life Tips.
The O Song
8/20 Olympia sings a song to show how she remembers everyone's name at Odd Squad.
Your Questions, Part 1
7/20 Olympia answers questions sent in by viewers.
Viral Video With Dr O
6/20 Olympia interviews Dr O and learns about odd viruses.
5/20 Olympia tells us all about her favorite animal.
See It, Solve It
4/20 Olympia shows viewers how to solve an odd problem.
Villains and Puppies
3/20 Olympia makes a list of her favourite villains.
What's Inside My Desk?
2/20 Olympia answers an age-old question with a song.
Welcome to Odd Tube
1/20 Olympia intros her new show and counts down 19 (odd) facts about herself.