Crodh Gaidhealach an Aird Bhain: The Highland Cattle of Ardbhan
A Hebridean western about the Highland cattle of Ardbhan. Sgeul Eileanach mu Chrodh Gà idhealach An Àird Bhà in.
Stick. Rope. Cutters. Life Aid. This is what Ena MacDonald, now 79, packs in her jeep before setting off to check the family’s Ardbhan Highland cattle on an uninhabited island off North Uist on the Outer Hebrides. Between tides and wild weather, this film journeys with the MacDonald family across a year as they tend their cattle and share their stories of how they have developed the herd into one of the finest examples of the breed.
Ena bought her first Highland cow when her son Angus was ten. Angus forged a vision to build a large herd. Starting from nothing, Ena and Angus have devoted themselves to breeding cattle that are true to type using the best bloodlines. For 30 years, buyers have travelled from all over Europe to purchase the treasured Ardbhan cattle.
Angus and his wife Michelle risked everything to realise Angus’s vision. Their children Alexander, Sarah, Fraser and his wife Carianne work hard with them, everyone contributing to the many family businesses that make things pay.
When one of their bulls makes the highest price at the Oban Highland cattle sale, all that the family have worked hard for is affirmed. Angus sees that sticking to what he believes in has paid off. Ena is delighted her grandchildren are dedicating themselves to the future of the Ardbhan Fold.
Bata, ròpa, cutters, life aid; na bhios aig Ena Dhòmhnallach, aois 79, sa chà r nuair thèid i a-mach gu crodh Gà idhealach an Àird Bhà in a th’air aon de dh’eileanan Uibhist a Tuath.
Tha sinne an cois Ena is a teaghlach fad bliadhna is iad a’ frithealadh a’ chruidh, agus ag innse mar a dh’ à raich iad treud a tha nis cho ainmeil.
Cheannaich Ena a’ ciad mart Gà idhealach nuair a bha a mac, Aonghas, deich. Bha lèirsinn aig Aonghas crò lìonmhor a chruthachadh is tha Ena is Aonghas air am beatha a chur seachad a’ togail chruidh a tha aig fìor à rd ìre. Thar 30 bliadhna tha luchd-ceannach air tighinn bho air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa air tòir crodh an Àird Bhà in.
Tha Aonghas is a’ bhean Michelle air obrachadh cruaidh son a lèirsinn a choileanadh len teaghlach Alexander, Sarah, Fraser agus a’ bhean Carianne ag obair còmhla riutha.
Tha saothair an teaghlaich air fad air a dhearbhadh nuair a gheibh tarbh leotha a’ phrìs as à irde aig Fèill an Òbain. Tha feallsanachd Aonghais air soirbheachadh is tha Ena taingeil, toilichte g’ eil a h-òghaichean a’ cuir ri leantainneachd Crò an Àird Bhà in.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
Last on
Bha tarbh Ena a' tilleadh air ais a dh'Uibhist
Duration: 01:43
A' fà gail Bhà laidh
Duration: 02:19
Role | Contributor |
Director | Beatrix Alexandra Wood |
Editor | Peter Walker |
Production Company | TrixPixMedia Ltd |
Composer | Padruig Morrison |
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