Thugainn dhan Phark/Park Bar Life
Joe MacNeil celebrates the Park Bar and explores why the pub endures as a Gaelic hub. Bidh Joe MacNìll sa Phà irc Bà r a’ feuchainn ri faighinn a-mach dè tha sònraichte mun à ite
Joe MacNeil celebrates the Park Bar, and asks why this pub endures as a hub of Gaelic life in Glasgow. He meets the staff, the regulars and the musical talent who give this pub a special place at the heart of the Gaelic community. Joe speaks with Donald MacRae and Terry Ferguson, legendary Gaelic singer and the bar manager who together brought Gaelic music to the bar in the early 1960s and created a legacy which endures today.
We join musicians who perform in the pub today and foray into their world of accordion music, Gaelic song and drams flowing for a celebration of this beloved bar which is famed across the Highlands, the Islands, Scotland and beyond. Joe learns about the early history of the establishment as the West end grew in the mid 19th century, by visiting archives of the famous Mitchell Library. Join Joe as he explores the story of the Park Bar and its ties to Gaelic.
Bidh Joe MacNìll sa Phà irc Bà r a’ feuchainn ri faighinn a-mach dè tha sònraichte mun à ite. Coinnichidh Joe ri luchd-obrach, luchd-ciùil agus luchd-frithealaidh. Bruidhinnidh e ris an t-seinneadair cliùiteach Dòmhnall MacRà th agus Terry Ferguson am manaidsear ainmeil, a chruthaich à rainneachd far an robh òrain Ghà idhlig bitheanta ann an Glaschu sna seasgadan – rud prìseil a tha a’ leantainn chun an latha an diugh. Bidh cèilidhean agus craic gu leòr le dramaichean am pailteas anns an taigh-sheinnse shònraichte seo a tha ainmeil air feadh na Gà idhealtachd, Alba agus an t-saoghail. Ionnsaichidh Joe mu dheidhinn eachdraidh an à ite agus tadhlaidh e air tasglann Leabharlann a’ Mhitchell. Gheibh Joe a-mach carson a tha an taigh osda seo cho co-cheangailte ris a’ Ghà idhlig.
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Role | Contributor |
Production Manager | Sajid Quayum |
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