Moulin Rouge Ecosse
Cathy Macdonald follows three Scottish girls who, at the height of their dancing careers, perform at the iconic Parisian cabaret, The Moulin Rouge.
In 2019, the Moulin Rouge turned 130 years old. Broadcaster Cathy Macdonald follows three Scottish girls who form a part of the illustrious history of this world-famous cabaret. These young Scots are living out their dreams of dancing at such a prestigious venue, presenting the best of France, two shows a night, 365 days a year. Feathers, sequins and make-up - this show has it all and Cathy is right at the heart of it. Welcome to The Moulin Rouge Écosse.
Tha 2019 a’ comharrachadh 130 bliadhna bho chaidh am Moulin Rouge a stèidheachadh. Bidh an craoladair Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ leantainn triùir nighean Albannach a tha mar phà irt de dh’eachdraidh iomraiteach an taisbeanaidh chliùitich seo. Bidh na h-Albannaich òga sin a’ coileanadh miann an cridhe le bhith a’ dannsa aig ionad a tha cho iongantach, a’ cur air adhart a’ chuid as fheà rr den Fhraing, dà thaisbeanadh san oidhche, 365 latha sa bhliadhna. Itean, grìogagan agus maise-gnùis – tha h-uile rud san taisbeanadh seo, agus bidh Cathy na theis-mheadhan. Fà ilte gu Moulin Rouge Écosse.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Cathy MacDonald |
Executive Producer | Jim Webster |
Director | Tony Kearney |
Executive Producer | Margaret Cameron |
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