Episode 12
Angela Maclean reports from Iceland where there are signs the climate is changing. If temperatures rise as predicted, scientists warn that Iceland’s glaciers will be all but gone in 200 years time.
Tha buaidh atharrachadh na gnà th-shide ri fhaicinn air feadh an t-saoghail agus tha luchd-saidheans ag rà dh nach robh e a-riamh cho cudthromach dèiligeadh ris. Tha Angela NicIlleathain ag aithris à Innis Tìle far a bheil comharran ann gu bheil cùisean ag atharrachadh. Tha eòlaichean saidheans a’ rabhadh mu leaghadh nan sruthan-deighe agus ma leanas cùisean mar a tha iad an-drà sda nach bi gin idir air fhà gail ann an 200 bliadhna eile.
The effects of climate change can be seen across the world and scientists say it’s more vital than ever to address the problem. Angela Maclean reports from Iceland where there are visible signs that the climate is changing, such as retreating glaciers. If temperatures continue to rise as predicted, scientists warn that Iceland’s glaciers will be all but gone in 200 years time.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
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