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Episode 2

Èiginn le bò, a’ banachdach liopard sneachda, agus ion-phlanntasan ann an sùil each. A perilous Caesarian section, vaccinating a snow leopard and implants in a horse’s eye.

Anns an t-sreath seo coinnichidh sinn ri lighichean-sprèidh bho air feadh Alba is iad ri frithealadh iomadach seòrsa beathach beag is mòr, peatail agus fiadhaich. Bidh sgeulachdan toileachais agus bròin pailt agus sinn a’ coinneachadh ris gach creutair beò.

An t-seachdain-sa, ann am Farfar tha Fiona Crowden air laogh a’ bhreith tro ghearradh ìompaire, ach aig àm chudromach tha a’ bho ag iarraidh laighe air an lot. Dh’ fhaodadh sin a bhith marbhtach dhan mhart agus tha an suidheachadh cugallach.

Aig Pàirc Fiadh-bheatha na Gàidhealtachd, tha iad airson banachdach a thoirt do dh'aon de na liopardan sneachda agus feumaidh iad gunna-gath a chleachdadh, ach tha dùbhlan nas motha aca nuair a tha iad a’ feuchdainn an dearbh rud a dhèanamh air lince.

Agus aig ospadal eich Sgoil Bheat Oilthigh Ghlaschu tha David Sutton a’ cur ceithir ion-phlanntasan ann an sùil each.

This series takes viewers on a journey across Scotland following vets as they tend to animals from small to large to very wild. Stories of joy and stories of sadness as we meet all creatures great and small.

Fiona Crowden delivers a calf by Caesarian section in Forfar, but the cow tries to lie down at a critical point in the surgery while the wound is still gaping. This could prove fatal for the cow and her situation is perilous.

At Highland Wildlife Park, the keepers help vet Jane Harley to vaccinate one of the snow leopards with a dart-gun, but it is a much greater challenge for them when they try the same procedure with one of the lynx.

And at the Weiper Centre, the specialist equine hospital at Glasgow University Vet School, David Sutton is inserting four implants into a horse’s eye to provide medical treatment that will last up to 400 days.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Series Producer Patricia Macleod
Editor Jonny Craigmile
Director Scott Brown
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
