Dystonia: Beatha air Fhiaradh
Tha DK Mac a’ Phì ag innse co ris a tha e coltach a bhith beò le dystonia. DK MacPhee reveals what it is like to live with dystonia.
Airson faisg air dà fhichead bliadhna, tha DK Mac a’ Phì air a bhith beò le dystonia, a’ fà gail nach urrainn dha a cheann a chuir dìreach. Cluinnidh sinn mun bhuaidh a tha sin a’ toirt air beatha DK bho lath’ gu lath’ agus an t-strì a tha e fhathast ris gus leighis neo faochadh fhaighinn. Mar as motha a tha a cheann air tuiteam gu aon taobh, ’s ann as motha a tha a bheatha air atharrachadh. Thà inig air stad a chluich ball-coise còmhla ri charaidean grunn bhliadhnaichean air ais ach tha e a dha ionndrainn gu mòr agus a’ miannachadh cluich a-rithist. An tig aige air sin a dhèanamh?
For almost 40 years, DK MacPhee has lived with dystonia, which leaves him unable to straighten his head. DK gives us an insight into the impact this has on his daily life and his ongoing battle to find treatment or relief. As his condition has deteriorated, with his head falling further to one side, the more his life has been affected. A number of years ago, he had to give up playing football, weekly, with his friends, something which he very much misses and he is determined to try and play again. Will this be possible?
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
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