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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 6

Spring is in the air - it’s time to plant potatoes and Coinneach helps Peter with painting. Àm an Earraich, àm buntàta a chur agus tha Coinneach a’cuideachadh Phàdruig a’ peantadh.

Gàrradh Phàdruig follows the progress of keen newbie gardener Peter MacQueen, as he sets about transforming his back garden in the heart of Glasgow from a messy, neglected disaster zone to productive, and aesthetically pleasing, outdoor space.

Spring has arrived and Peter is finally planting out in the garden and it is time for the potatoes to go in the ground. Coinneach helps paint the walls and we see the greenhouse start to fill up with seedlings. Peter visits his neighbours and collects something to help his tatties. Seoras watches with interest as Peter recycles an old pallet into a strawberry planter.
The series is filmed across a growing season, from January to October. Seòras the dog is with Peter all of the time - Westies love to get their paws dirty!

Tha’n t-sreath seo, Gàrradh Phàdruig, a’tighinn bhon ghàrradh aig Pàdruig MacCuinn – nach do chuir làmh riamh roimhe air, thuige seo. Ach tha làn duil aige an gàrradh-cùil am meadhan Ghlaschu, bùrach robach fàs, ùrachadh gu bhi na lios torrach, brèagha sam bi e tlachdmhor ùine chur seachad.

Tha’n t-Earrach againn agus tha Pàdruig trang a’cur – tha’n t-àm aig a’bhuntàta dhol dhan talamh. Tha coinneach a’cuideachadh le peantadh agus tha’n taigh-ghlainne a’lìonadh le lusan òga. Air chuairt a-measg nan nàbaidhean tha Pàdruig a’faighinn rud a chuidicheas leis a’bhuntàta – agus tha Seòras a’foighneachd dè nis a th’aige dha na sùbhan-làir?
Tha an t-sreath sgaoilte thar trì ràithean, bhon Fhaoilleach chun an Damhair. Tha Seòras an cù an còmhnaidh deiseil Pàdruig a’ chuideachadh – ‘sann a tha spògan salach a’còrdadh math ri abhagan!

In Gaelic with English subtitles

24 days left to watch

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Peter Macqueen
Production Manager Sajid Quayum
Editor Craig Nicol
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
