Su Pic (Peek Zoo) Series 1 Episodes Episode guide
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Latha Craibt’ nan Cà mhal
26/26 The camels are in a bad mood today and Dr Sue’s help is needed.
A’ Dèanamh Là raich
25/26 Tha na seòid a’ dol a spèileadh an-diugh. The guys are going skating today.
Dùdach Rùchdach
24/26 Mgr Pìc wants Bhatair, the sea lion, to play the horns.
23/26 Tha Mgr Pìc gun ghuth an-diugh. Mgr Pìc has lost his voice today.
An Ceud gu Leth Mòr
22/26 Tha co-là breith sònraichte ann an-diugh! A special birthday is taking place today!
H-uile Sian ris a’ Mhionaid
21/26 A timetable would be very helpful to keep order today.
Caismeachd Chinn-fhinn Violette
20/26 Tha cinn-fhinn Violette ri caismeachd. Violette’s penguins are marching.
Episode 19
19/26 Mgr Pìc has a good pirate voice today.
Pìcean ri Sgèith
18/26 Tha là nan cliop ann an-diugh! It’s haircut day today!
17/26 Tha dachaigh ùr ann ‘son na goiriolathan! The gorillas have a new home!
Sù nan Curaidhean
16/26 Tha Seumas a’ sireadh teistean an-diugh! Seumas is trying to break records today!
Liosta Mhgr Pìc
15/26 ‘S fìor thoil le Mgr. Pìc deagh liosta! Mgr Pìc does love a good list.
Loilidhean Deighe ro Bhlasta
14/26 Tha e fada ro theth an-diugh! It’s far too hot today!
Sìth-fhiacail nan Ailbhean
13/26 Tha an t-Sìth-fhiacaill air tighinn gu Sù Pìc. The Tooth Fairy has visited Sù Pìc.
Oidhche Mhath
12/26 Tha ullaid a’ nochdadh aig Sù Pìc an-diugh. A barn owl arrives at Sù Pìc.
Each-aibhne Sona
11/26 Tha am Mèar a’ tadhal air Sù Pìc. The mayor is visiting Sù Pìc.
An t-Eun nach Seinneadh
10/26 Tha eun le sgiath ghoirt a’ tighinn gu Sù Pìc. A bird with a broken wing arrives at Sù Pìc
Cleasan Flamingo
9/26 Tha na flamingothan a’ dannsa! The flamingos are dancing!
Smaoinich air Smuaintean Blà th
8/26 Crogaidh is waiting for her chick to hatch; warm surroundings are vital for this.
Muncaidhean Mì-mhodhail
7/26 Mr Pìc would like the monkeys to learn some manners.
Staing Steigeach
6/26 Mr Pìc has ordered a new insect but not everything is as it should be!
Caidrean Piseig
5/26 Ali, the baby snow-leopard, is suffering with a cold.
Violette Stiall-earballach
4/26 Tha na lìomaran a’gluasad an-diugh. The lemurs are moving today.
Rudan Beaga
3/26 It’s picnic time, but the food isn’t staying in place.
Beuc an Leòmhainn
2/26 The Pìc family have to lift the spirits of Mgr Wiskerwitz, the lion.
Ceud 'Tanca' Dhut
1/26 There are serious problems at Sù Pìc today as the aquarium is leaking.