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Tusk is painting a portrait of Ping Wing. Well, he’s trying to. Frustrated, he throws away his attempts.

Tha Tosg a’ peantadh dealbh de Cheann-fionn, no co-dhiù a’ feuchainn ris. Mi-thoilichte le chuid oidhirpean, tha e gan caith air falbh agus nuair a thig na dealbhan gu talamh tron choille, tha beathaichean eile gan lorg. Tha iadsan den bheachd gur e mapaichean ionmhais a tha annta agus tha sealg an ionmhais a’ tòiseachadh!

Tusk is painting a portrait of Ping Wing. Well, he’s trying to. Frustrated, he throws away his attempts, which float through the air and end up with the other animals in the forest. They are convinced these strange drawings must be maps and a great treasure hunt begins!

10 days left to watch

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions


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