Music for the Hours
The Tallis Scholars evoke the ancient Christian tradition of the Divine Office, singing settings of words and psalms associated with each of the eight offices, or Canonical Hours.
As part of Radio 3's 'Capturing Twilight' season, throughout the day the Tallis Scholars, world renowned for their exquisitely pure tone and shimmering choral sounds, evoke the ancient Christian tradition of the Divine Office. Starting just as the clocks change back to Greenwich Mean Time at 1am, they sing settings of words and psalms associated with each of the eight offices, or Canonical Hours, across the day. This daily ritual of Christian devotion was created in the 6th century by St Benedict and remains familiar in monasteries and convents around the world today. The Tallis Scholars' director Peter Philips introduces each of the offices at roughly three-hour intervals, beginning with Matins, then Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and ending with Compline, reflecting the time of the day with Latin chant interspersed with polyphony from across the centuries.
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