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Treubh an Tuathanais (Big Barn Farm) Series 2 Episodes Available now
Cùram Chloinne
19/20 Tha cùisean trang, trang air an tuathanas. Things are very busy on the farm.
Aoigh Spaideil
18/20 There’s a posh visitor at the farm today, but will she enjoy the experience?
Cò as Treasa?
17/20 Cò as treasa air an tuathanas? Who is the bravest on the farm?
Muireall Dhà na
16/20 Tha Muireall airson a dhol air dà n’-chuairt. Muireall wants to go on an adventure.
Luaisgean Bainne
15/20 Tha cuideigin a’ goid a’ bhainne. Someone is stealing the milk.