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Tha Seòras a’ càradh an inneil-nigheadaireachd airson is gun tèid e timcheall nas luaithe. George adapts the spin cycle of the washing machine.

Tha Seòras a’ càradh an inneil-nigheadaireachd airson is gun tèid e timcheall nas luaithe, ach tha seo a’ cruthachadh toll dubh ann an cidsin teaghlach nam Ploc, ‘s tha seo na shlighe dìreach a-steach gu fànas. Seo far an deach na diofar rudan a chaidh air chall sa flat bho chionn ghoirid…fiù ’s Mial-mogach fhèin. An urrainn do Phòl agus na Pluic eile a bhith beò ann am fànas fada gu leòr airson an t-seann chù salach aca a shàbhaladh?

George adapts the spin cycle of the washing machine causing a black hole to form in the Spuds’ kitchen - a direct doorway into space. At least it explains all the things that have been going missing in the flat recently… including Fuzzypeg. Can Dave and the Spuds survive in space long enough to rescue their smelly old dog?

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions
