Prògraman C´óÏó´«Ã½ air ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA
Prògraman, plòigh agus fealla-dhà bho sgioba C´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA.
Tha Luka dol gu Camp Laoch nam Bogha-froise. Luka's going to The Rainbow Warriors Camp.
An dùil a bheil cùisean rèidh an-diugh? I wonder if things are going smoothly today?
Dr Moiteil and Professor Olive have fun with science in the company of the Lasgainean.
Tha Flix ‘son bhith mar shà r chat feireil. Flix wants to be like an ultimate outdoor cat.
Tha Mìcheal a' faighinn piseag an-diugh. Mìcheal gets a kitten today.
Tha tòrr connspaid ann a-nochd. There’s a lot of dispute tonight.
Dave and his friends are locked in school overnight but find that they are not alone.
Merry Christmas to you all, but what misdemeanours is Coinneach carrying out today?
Choirstaidh is making little magazines, or Zines as they are known.
Cà ite bheil an drà gon òtrach? Where is the dump dragon?
Shanni competes against the C´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA presenters but who will emerge victorious?
Tha ‘ad uile a’ sireadh deagh shealbh an-diugh. Everyone wants good luck today.
Today we get an insight into DK Macphee's life @12 years old
Tha Tiago ag innse mu chà nan nam bodhar. Tiago tells us about sign language.
Tha Coinneach glè chruthachail an-diugh. Coinneach is very creative today.
Dr Moiteil and Professor Olive have fun with science.
Flix wants to buy a special jacket from the shop Aon Bhliadhna Deug Gu Sìorraidh!
Tha an dealbh Rìoghail ga thogail an-diugh. The Royal portrait is being taken today.