Prògraman C´óÏó´«Ã½ air ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA
Prògraman, plòigh agus fealla-dhà bho sgioba C´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA.
Including features on weather, ethanol rocket and a latex bagpipe.
Chan eil leughadh na phrìomhachas do Sheán. Reading isn’t a priority for Seán.
Feumar dealain a chaomhnadh! Electricity must be conserved!
Tha rudan còmhstritheach. Things are contentious today.
It's in-service day for the staff of Sgoil Taobh na Cloiche.
Gran accidentally wins a board game as a bingo prize.
Betty takes the Spuds on a cultural day out.
Tha cnuimhean-tiolaidh buaireasach an-diugh. Chilli-grubs are proving problematic today
Tha Sebastian fo chùram an-diugh. Sebastian is worried today.
Tha rùn-dìomhair aig Angelina an-diugh. Angelina has a secret today.
Iain MacFhionghain's story @12 years old.
Bheil maighdinnean-mara dha-rìribh? Are mermaids for real?
Dr Moiteil and Professor Olive have fun with science in the company of the Lasgainean.
Tha Denis ag iarraidh bhith mòr-chòrdte. Denis wants to be popular.
Tha Stella là n aithreachais an-diugh. Stella is full of regrets today.
Tha aig Stella ri dannsadh ionnsachadh. Stella has to learn how to dance.
The first term is coming to an end at Sgoil Taobh na Cloiche.
George takes Dave camping - what could go wrong?