Episode 5
Alasdair Macleod assesses the level of support for children with dylsexia in Gaelic-medium education.
An t-seachdain-sa air ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ tha Alasdair Macleòid a’ rannsachadh na goireasan agus an taic a th’ann airson clann le dyslexia a tha dol tro fhoghlum tro mheadhan na Gà idhlig. Tha pà rantan a’ rà dh gu bheil feum air tuilleadh stuthan sa chà nan, cuide ri barrachd luchd-taic, gus clann le feumalachdan a’ bharrachd a chuideachadh.
Tha Anndra MacFhionghain anns a’ Phortagail a’ rannsachadh an dìleab a dh’fhà g trà illeachd eachdraidheil san dùthaich. Tha luchd-iomairt ag iarraidh gun tèid ceumannan a ghabhail gus an eachdraidh seo a’ chomharrachadh, agus a’ faicinn gu bheil dìleab thrà illeachd a’ biathadh a-steach do ghrà in-cinnidh san dùthaich chun an latha an-diugh.
Alasdair Macleod assesses the level of support for children with dylsexia in Gaelic-medium education. Parents claim that more classroom support and materials are needed for pupils with additional needs.
Andrew Mackinnon reports on the growing campaign in Portugal to officially recognise the country’s role in the historical slave trade. Activists claim that the legacy of slavery feeds into modern-day racism and that more must be done to acknowledge this aspect of the country’s past.
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Bha Portagail aig stiùir thrà illeachd à Afraga, a' tòiseachadh san 15mh linn. B' i a' chiad dùthaich ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch a dh'aiseag trà illean tarsainn a' chuain gu ruige Brasil, a bha mar phà irt den cholonachd aca aig an à m. Chùm seo a' dol airson na ceudan de bhliadhnachan, le Portagail, aig a' cheann thall, an urra ri sia millean neach à Afraga a ghiùlain a dh'Ameireagaidh.
Tha Anndra MacFhionghain ann an Lisbon a' rannsachadh an dìleab a dh'fhà g trà illeachd san dùthaich. Bidh e cuideachd a' coimhead ri mar a tha daoine ag iarraidh gun tèid ceumannan a ghabhail gus an eachdraidh sa a chomharrachadh, agus mu mar a tha cuid a' faicinn gu bheil dìleab thrà illeachd a' biathadh a-steach do ghrà in-cinnidh san dùthaich chun an latha an-diugh.
Slave trade
![Slave trade](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/160x90/p0ddns33.jpg)
Portugal was at the fore of the African slave-trade, beginning in the 15th century. They were the first European country to send slaves across the ocean to Brazil, one of their colonies at the time. This practice continued for hundreds of years, with Portugal responsible for transporting nearly 6 million slaves to the Americas.
Andrew MacKinnon is in Lisbon reporting on the legacy of slavery in the country and what people there think should be done to acknowledge Portugal's role. Some people see that the legacy of slavery directly feeds into problems of racism today.
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