More Than Christmas
A service for the fourth Sunday in Advent with the Chapel Choir of Methodist College, Belfast.
Rev John Davey reflects on the difference between light and darkness and how our celebrations at this time of year often ignore the darkness, but Christmas is not just festive and fun, but more personal and more powerful- More than Christmas.
Led by the Rev Emily Hyland.
Isaiah 9:2-7; John 1:1-14
Silent Night (arr. Barry Rose)
Hush my dear (Gabriel Jackson)
Midwinter (Bob Chilcott)
The hands that first held Mary鈥檚 Child (Dan Forrest)
Wexford Carol (Trad Irish arr Elaine Hagenburg)
A Christmas Blessing (Philip Stopford)
With the Chapel Choir of Methodist College, Belfast, directed by Ruth McCartney. The organist is Graeme McCullough.
Producer: Bert Tosh
Last on
Worship today, the fourth Sunday in Advent, comes from Methodist College in
Belfast and is led by the听 Rev Emily
Hyland, the College Chaplain.
Script of Programme:
Please note: This script may not exactly reflect the transmission. It may include editorial notes prepared by the producer, and minor spelling and other errors.
Music: 听Wexford Carol (Traditional Irish arr Elaine Hagenburg)
College Principal: Good morning from Belfast. I鈥檓 Jenny Lendrum , the new Principal of Methodist College and it鈥檚 been my honour to lead the school since September.
Methodist College is one of the largest schools in Northern Ireland with around 2000 pupils. It was, as the name suggests, established by the Irish Methodist Church in 1865. It still has close links with the church, but we are very proud that our community is so diverse with pupils now coming from a variety of backgrounds.
Of course, we want out pupils to leave the College with the qualifications they need, but more than that, we want them to develop as people who have a strong sense of moral duty and social responsibility.
Music has always played and continues to play an important part in the life of the College; it is wonderful to celebrate the talents of our musicians.听 Today our Chapel Choir will lead our worship from Fisherwick Presbyterian Church, situated beside the College
Rev Emily Hyland: Because of the tender mercy of our God,
听听听 the dawn from on high will break upon us,
听to shine upon those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
听听听 to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Let us pray:
To you our God be glory and praise for ever!
You dwell in light unapproachable but make visible the mystery of your presence.
In the beginning, when all was chaos, you said 鈥淟et there be light鈥
And there was light and creation was begun.
You came to us in Jesus, the Light of the world, the Sun of Righteousness
听to call us out of darkness into his marvellous light to pardon our sins,
cleanse our hearts and strengthen us by his grace.
Yet, O Lord, we confess that we have sinned against you in many ways.
We have not loved you with our heart, mind, soul and strength.
We have often disregarded your guidance preferring to walk in our own ways
ignoring the
light Jesus gives
and so we stumble on in the darkness- lost and confused
We confess that we have often failed to be light to the world
听and have not shown that love which sisters and brothers ought to show.
Lord, we admit these and our many other faults and ask for your forgiveness for all who confess their sins in Jesus鈥 name
We dare to ask this because of your mercy, grace and love shown in Jesus Christ our Saviour.
And these and all our prayers we offer in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, be glory and praise for ever.听 AMEN
Music:听 Midwinter (Bob Chilcott) 3.45
Rev Emily Hyland: Today we鈥檙e reflecting on light and darkness and our first reading , from the prophet Isaiah describes how the child to be born will bring light to those walking in darkness.
Reader: 听The people who walked in darkness
听听听听have seen a great light;
those who lived in a land of
deep darkness鈥
听听听听on them light has shined.
For a child has been born for
听听听听a son given to us;
authority rests upon his
听听听听and he is named
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty
听听听听Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Great will be his authority
听听听听and there shall be endless peace
for the throne of David and his
听听听听He will establish and uphold it
with justice and with
听听听听from this time onward and
The zeal of the听Lord听of hosts will do this.
Music:Hush my dear (Gabriel Jackson)
Rev Emily Hyland:The second reading, the Prologue to John鈥檚 Gospel, describes how the true light was coming into the world. Then after our next music, the Rev John Davey, who was a Prefect and Captain of Cricket here in Methody, but more years ago than he may care to remember will preach.
Reader: 听In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was
in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without
him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life,
and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and
the darkness did not overcome it.
听There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.
He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father鈥檚 only son, full of grace and truth.
Music: The hands that first held Mary鈥檚 Child (Dan Forrest)
Rev John Davey: Recently we were staying in a hotel room that had blackout curtains on the windows.听 In the middle of the night I needed to go to the bathroom.听 Believing I knew the layout of our room got up in the total darkness and began to grope my way around.听 I quickly realised however that nothing was where I imagined it to be.听 I was completely disorientated and began to bump into various pieces of furniture.听 My wife, now fully awake herself, switched on the bedside light and I discovered that I was nowhere near where I wanted to be!
Darkness can be very disorientating, indeed disturbing.听 But darkness isn鈥檛 always bad 鈥 just as light isn鈥檛 always good.听 We talk about light 鈥減ollution鈥 because artificial light is now presenting real problems in parts of our world.听 At the same time, we sleep best in the dark when, amongst other things, we can then produce hormones capable of fighting various diseases.
Seven days from now, our Christmas Day celebrations will just be beginning.听 The Christmas story is full of physical light.听 The angels, the star and the glow in the stable and around the manger.听 But the story is also full of darkness.听 There鈥檚 a homeless family.听 A mother reduced to giving birth in an outbuilding.听 A whole family forced to become refugees in Egypt.听 There are shepherds, whose occupation placed them on the fringes of respectable society.听 And wise men who weren鈥檛 wise enough to recognise the scheming intentions of Herod.
I wonder is that why Christmas means so much to us?听 We know what it鈥檚 like to be in the dark and to long for light.
In the dark we can鈥檛 see where we are going.听 Being in the dark is a lonely place to be.听 We long for a light switch or a torch or even just a candle.听 Anything like that will make things better 鈥 or at least so we think.
But as with everything else in life, it鈥檚 never as easy, or as simple, as that.听 All light does, is reveal what鈥檚 in front of us 鈥 we still have to deal with whatever that turns out to be.听 The challenges, the realities we鈥檇 been trying to avoid are now staring us full in the face and we have to do something about them.
We all think we prefer the light, but the truth is that sometimes we would rather choose the comfort and safety of darkness.听 Turning on the light may demand a total change in our attitude and approach.
The light of Christmas 鈥 the light of Christ 鈥 put those who first experienced it in just that position.听 The light of Christmas changed their lives.
Have you ever wondered what happened to those shepherds, who, having seen the angels and visited the stable, then had to return to their hillside and their sheep?听 No longer were they at the bottom of the social standings, after all they were first to hear of the wonderful birth of this Christ child.听 Truly blessed.
The wise men, they discovered that the scientific and economic knowledge they possessed was not in fact the real source of power.听 Not for one minute had they believed it was possible for a king to be born in a smelly stable; not possible that God would come to the world in such a humble setting.听 How would they now exercise their power and influence after returning home?
And Mary and Joseph!听 Wow!听 We鈥檙e inclined to think of Christmas as a time of peace and joy and goodwill.听 But it was very different for them.听 In their world, the embarrassment of an unexplained pregnancy.听 The need to travel a significant distance at a most inopportune moment.听 The unhygienic birthing space.听 The necessary escape from Herod鈥檚 rage.听 This child of theirs was already causing major disruption.听 How could they not be aware of the troubles, the dangers, the darkness that lay ahead?
So much of our Christmas celebrations ignore all of this.听 We pretend that all is well in our relationships, with plenty to eat and drink in warm, bright, comfortable homes.听 But often that鈥檚 no more than an illusion.听 The reality is that today, we must deal with war in Ukraine, a severe cost of living crisis, the threat to the environment caused by climate change and the disappearance of so many of our cherished values and way of life.
This year, every year, we need Christmas to be more than Christmas.听 Not just festivities and fun, but something more personal and more powerful.听 John, in the prologue to his gospel, which we heard read earlier, tells us that our celebrations ought not to be completely focused on a baby in a manger, but rather recognise the Word made flesh.听 The birth of Jesus is connected to the beginning of everything.听 God鈥檚 love and light have never at any time been exhausted or extinguished.听听 John tells us that the God who came to live life as we must live it, is the God who created all that is.听 He is the God whom not even death can defeat.听 The God who never leaves us, or abandons us, to the darkness that can sometimes envelope us.
This coming Christmas, more than ever before perhaps, you and I need to know that, despite all that life throws at us, we are never alone as we struggle and stumble in the darkness.听 God comes to you and me, not only as a baby in a manger, but as a friend and companion, a teacher and healer on our journey through life; he comes to us as a man on a cross, suffering all the injustices of this world.听 He comes as a risen Saviour, fully embodying听 the truth that 鈥渢he light shines in the darkness and the darkness has never been able to put it out鈥.
May we each and all this Christmas know the peace and joy proclaimed that first Christmas.听 May we become what Jesus is 鈥 a child of God, shining light into the darkness, illuminating the truth that God is with us always, Emmanuel, however much darkness or light tomorrow and the New Year may bring.听 May it be so.听 Amen
Music: Silent Night (FX Gr眉ber arr. Barry Rose) 3.03
Rev Emily Hyland:
Let us pray:
We give you thanks for
Jesus Christ who came among us to bring your life and love and grace
for his teaching and compassion for the light of the knowledge of your glory in his face.
We thank you for his promise he is with us always and for the fact that nothing can ever separate us from your love in him.
Reader: Living God, we pray for the church, that it may
fitfully proclaim your grace on Jesus Christ; encourage people by its life and
example and support all in need through kindness and prayer
May we be light to the world
Reader: 听Living God
we pray for the world and the leaders of nations; for those who are the victims
of war, disease, hunger and oppression; for the situation in Ukraine; for those
who speak out for the truth; for all who seek to ease pain and suffering
May we be light to the world
Reader: 听Living God,
we pray for all the communities of which we are part; for schools, colleges and
universities; for those who teach and those who learn; for all who work in
hospitals or caring for the sick;, for the many people whose continuing work is
essential for the wellbeing of communities; for those who carry the burdens of
May we be light to the world
Reader: 听
Living God, we pray for everyone who
feels they are sitting in darkness; those who are sick and depressed or lonely;
those who face problems that seem insurmountable; those who are trying to adjust
to the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship; those for whom this
time or year can be very difficult
May we be light to the world
Rev Emily Hyland:And these and all our prayers we offer in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord who taught us when we pray to say:
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallow'd be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
for Thine is the kingdom
the power and the glory for ever and ever.听 Amen
Christ, the Son of righteousness shine upon you,
Gladden your hearts
and scatter the darkness from before you
And the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
be with you and remain with you always. AMEN
Music: A Christmas Blessing (Philip Stopford)
JS Bach鈥檚 Prelude on Vom Himmel Hoch ends today鈥檚 Sunday Worship from Methodist College Belfast which was led by the Rev Emily Hyland.听 The preacher was the Reverend John Davey. The Chapel Choir was directed by Ruth McCartney and the accompanist was Graeme McCullough. The producer was Bert Tosh.
Worship over Christmas on 大象传媒 Radio 4 includes the First Mass of Christmas from Leeds Cathedral live on Christmas Eve at eleven thirty pm and on Christmas Morning at seven o鈥檆lock, the service from Bath Abbey will reflect on 鈥淗ope for all Nations. But before those, on Christmas Eve you can join the Choir and congregation live in the candlelit chapel of King鈥檚 College for the annual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols,
- Sun 18 Dec 2022 08:10大象传媒 Radio 4