HebCelt aig 25
Celebrating 25 years of the HebCelt Festival, featuring music and stories from over the years. A’ comharrachadh 25 bliadhna de Fhèis Cheilteach Innse Gall, le ceòl is sgeulachdan gu leòr.
Celebrating 25 years of the HebCelt Festival. Featuring behind the scenes stories and performances from some of the great artists who have headlined the festival, such as The Proclaimers, KT Tunstall, Eddi Reader and Runrig.
From its early days in a small white tent on the Castle Green in Stornoway, the HebCelt has grown to become one of highlights of the summer calendar, attracting visitors and musicians from all over the world.
With Gaelic culture and language at its core, the HebCelt has continued to give opportunities to young local talent, who are able to share the stage with some of the biggest names in Scottish and Celtic music.
A’ comharrachadh 25 bliadhna de Fhèis Cheilteach Innse Gall, le ceòl is sgeulachdan bho chuid dhen fheadhainn a th’ air a bhith air an à rd-ùrlar, leithid The Proclaimers, KT Tunstall, Eddi Reader agus Runrig.
Bho na là ithean trà tha ann an teant bheag gheal air lianag a’ Chaisteil ann an Steòrnabhagh, tha Fèis Cheilteach Innse Gall a-nis stèidhichte mar aon dhen na seachdainean as fheà rr as t-samhradh, a’ tà ladh luchd-turais agus luchd-ciùil bho air feadh an t-saoghail.
Le cà nan is cultar na Gà idhlig aig cridhe an tachartais, tha Fèis Cheilteach Innse Gall air cothroman air leth a thoirt don òigridh ionadail agus iad fhèin cuideachd a’ dèanamh air an à rd-ùrlar còmhla cuid dhen an fheadhainn as ainmeile ann an saoghal ceòl Cheilteach agus Albannach.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Executive Producer | Margaret Mary Murray |
Executive Producer | Don Coutts |
Producer | Daidhaidh Martainn |
Editor | Coinneach Stiubhart |
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