Episode 17
Andreas Wolff reports from Albania and speaks to those who have attempted to enter the UK illegally and also finds out about the wider reasons behind the exodus.
Tha an à ireamh de luchd-imrich a tha air an t-slighe a dhèanamh a Bhreatainn gu mì-laghail, air bà taichean beaga, air leudachadh gu mòr anns na beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh’fhalbh. Nam measg tha mòran de dh’Albà inianaich agus, ged a thèid aig cuid comraiche fhaighinn, tha mòran dhiubh a’ sireadh cothrom beatha nas fheà rr a dhèanamh dhaibh fhèin. Tha Andreas Wolff ann an Albà inia a’ rannsachadh na cùis agus a’ bruidhinn riutha-san a tha air feuchainn air an turas èiginneach a Bhreatainn a dhèanamh - turas a tha a’ cur bheathannan ann an cunnart. Tha e cuideachd a’ faighinn a-mach barrachd mu na h-oidhirpean a th’ann gus òigridh na dùthcha a chumail gun a bhith a’ falbh.
The number of migrants who attempt to enter the UK illegally in small boats across the English Channel has multiplied into the thousands in recent years. Many of those who have attempted this dangerous crossing are Albanian and, while many are granted asylum, there are also thousands who put their lives at risk for economic reasons. Andreas Wolff reports from Albania and speaks to those who have attempted to enter the UK illegally and also finds out about the wider reasons behind the exodus. He also looks at projects designed to create jobs and offer better prospects to young Albanians in the hope of keeping them from leaving the country.
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Albà inianaich a' sireadh comraich san RA

Tha an riaghaltas Albà inianach ag rà dh gu bheil iad cha mhòr air cuir às dha coirbteachd, gu bheil cion-cosnaidh a' tuiteam agus an à ireamh a th' ann an cosnadh ag èirigh. Ach leis na tha air cùl a chur ri Albà inia tha a-nis gainnead luchd-obrach ann. Tha boillsgidhean dòchais ann cuideachd ge-tà , nam measg tha acadamaidh ball-basgaid agus tuathanas le taigh-òsta. Ann an aon sgìre de dh'Albà inia tha an Rìoghachd Aonaichte cuideachd a' maoineachadh sgeama a tha a' teagasg sgilean ùra do dhaoine òga agus a' ceartachadh an ìomhaigh a th' ann gum fàs daoine beartach gu luath ann am Breatainn.
Albanians seeking asylum in the UK

The Albanian government are saying they have almost eliminated corruption, that unemployment is falling and the number of people in work is rising. But given the number of people who have emigrated there is now a shortage of workers. There are however glimmers of hope, such as a basketball academy and an agrotourism business. In one area of Albania the UK is also funding a scheme which teaches new skills to young people and corrects the perception that people can become rich quickly in Britain.
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