Joni Mitchell
A portrait of Canadian iconic folk singer Joni Mitchell, who arrived in 60s America and was not afraid to go against the tide.
Portrait of Canadian singer Joni Mitchell who arrived in 60s America - a country torn between Puritanism and the rumblings of a changing society - but who was not afraid to go against the tide.
In the early 60s, Joni began to make a name for herself in Toronto clubs, getting noticed for her atypical crystal-clear voice and for her self-taught way of playing guitar, all in open chords (her trademark) which even fascinated the "guitar heroes" of the time like Eric Clapton.
Joni was not afraid to criticise the America that adopted her, a trait that would go on to define her life and career, showing intelligence ahead of her time.
Leis a’ phrògram aithriseach seo, tha sinn airson dealbh a dhèanamh dhen t-seinneadair à Canada a rà inig Aimeireagaidh anns na 50an agus na 60an, dùthaich a bh’ air a sgaradh eadar ‘Puritanism’ agus dòigh-beatha a bha ag atharrachadh. Seinneadair a chaidh an aghaidh an là in. Trà th anns na 60an, thòisich Joni Mitchell a’ cosnadh cliù dhi fhèin ann an clubaichean ann an Toronto. Chaidh a h-aithneachadh airson a guth soilleir, sònraichte, ach cuideachd airson gun do dh’ ionnsaich i an giotà r leatha fhèin, a’ cleachdadh cùird fosgailte a bha a’ glacadh aire seòid a’ ghiotà ir leithid Eric Clapton.
Chan eil leisg air Joni Mitchell a bhith a’ cur sìos air Aimeireagaidh far an do ghluais i. ’S i an nighean òg à Canada a rà inig le a giotà r fo a h-achlais. ’S e seo a tha a’ dol a thoirt aithne dhi tro a beatha agus a dreuchd, a’ sealltainn cho innleachdail ’s a tha am boireannach a bha an-còmhnaidh air thoiseach air cà ch.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Niall Iain MacDonald |
Producer | Ann Morrison |
Executive Producer | Calum McConnell |
Editor | Innes Macleod |
Production Manager | Marion Maclean |
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