Aibhnichean san Iarmailt/Rivers Above the Canopy
Oidhirp 猫iginneach airson tuigse fhaighinn air coille an Amazoin bho thaobh na gn脿th-sh矛de. A race against time to discover the Amazon rainforest from a climate perspective.
'S e coille an Amazoin cridhe na cruinne. Bidh na craobhan a' tarraing uisge 脿s an talamh is a' sgaoileadh na billeanan thunnaichean deataich dhan iarmailt ann an aibhnichean a tha riatanach airson cothromachd na h-脿rainneachd.
Ach d猫 a thachradh nan deidheadh seo 脿 bith? D猫 a bhuaidh a bhiodh aige air 脿rainneachd an t-saoghail?
Bho choille uisge an Amazoin gu cuid de na h-ionadan rannsachaidh as cli霉itiche air thalamh, a' cleachdadh beothachadh 3D, bheir an rannsachadh saidheans seo fuasgladh air mar a bhios an iongantas n脿darra seo ag obrachadh.
Often considered as the "beating heart of the Earth", the trees in the Amazon absorb water from the ground and pump out billion of tons of water vapor a day into vast "flying rivers", essential to the environmental balance.
But what if this natural phenomenon was to disappear? What would be the ecological consequences on our planet?
From the Amazon rainforest to some of the world鈥檚 top laboratories and research centers, and thanks to 3D animation sequences, this scientific investigation deciphers the mechanisms of this extraordinary phenomenon.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles