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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 4

Ramsay visits the Campsies for a fun-filled holiday. Tha Ramsay a’ tadhal air Monadh Chamsaidh son làithean spòrsail.

For Ramsay MacMahon, his ideal weekend is spent seeking adventure, meeting new people and exploring all of Scotland’s hidden gems.

Ramsay doesn’t have far to travel this weekend as he heads just north of Glasgow to the Campsies. Always looking to seek out the most unusual activities, Ramsay starts his trip having afternoon tea with very special company - sheep. Fuelled up on cake, he goes for a walk around the village of Fintry and climbs one of the area’s many hills.

After staying the night in a hidden hut in the woods, Ramsay learns about the Romans at the ruins of the Antonine Wall and visits a medieval fort, where he learns to battle with a sword.

Dha Ramsay MacMahon, ‘s e an deireadh sheachdain a b’fhèarr a gheibheadh e tè làn spòrs a’ coinneachadh ri daoine ùra agus a’ sireadh àitichean as fhiach tadhal oirre air feadh Alba.

Chan eil fada aig Ramsay ri siubhal an deireadh sheachdain seo - dìreach tuath air Glaschu gu Monadh Chamsaidh. Daonnan a’ coimhead airson gnìomhan ùra annasach, abair gu bheil Ramsay a’ dèanamh sin le bhith a’ gabhail tì an cuideachd car neò-àbhaisteach - caoraich.

Tha cèic air ithe ann am pailteas a’ toirt spionnadh gu leòr dha an uairsin coiseachd timcheall baile Fiona-treabh agus aon de na h-ioma cnuic faisg air làimh a dhìreadh.

As deidh cadal ann am bothan beag falaichte sa choille, tha Ramsay ag ionnsachadh mu na Ròmanaich ‘s e aig tobhtaichean Balla Antoninus agus a’ tadhal air gearasdan meadhan-aoiseach far a faic sinn e a’ sabaid le claidheamh.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Ramsay MacMahon
Director Robyn Low
Editor Mairead Morrison
