An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras/The Royal Next Door Episodes Available now

Buannaiche na Duais Rìoghail—Series 1
44/52 Mrs Kaufmann wins a prize, but no one knows who donated it!

Spà Rìoghail—Series 1
43/52 Tha oidhche spà dol a bhith ann. A spa night is going to take place.

Neach-brìgh Rìoghail—Series 1
42/52 Tha Stella na manaidsear-sgìreil. Stella is a community manager.

Trùmpaid Rìoghail—Series 1
41/52 Tha Stella ag iarraidh a bhith à bhaisteach! Stella wants to be normal!

Gusgal Rìoghail—Series 1
40/52 Bidh gusgal tric a’ goirteachadh dhaoine. Gossip often hurts people.

Farmad Rìoghail—Series 1
39/52 Tha Stella a’ cur seachad ùine le Molaidh. Stella spends time with Molly.

Sìceach Rìoghail—Series 1
38/52 Tha Stella sìceach an-diugh. Stella is psychic today.

Suirghe Rìoghail—Series 1
37/52 Tha rùn-dìomhair ri fhuasgladh an-diugh. There’s a mystery to be solved today.

Dealbh-chluich Rìoghail—Series 1
36/52 Chan eil Stella idir measail air actadh. Stella isn’t at all keen on acting.

Episode 35—Series 1
35/52 Tha Là Prèasaint Santa Dìomhair ann an-diugh. It’s Secret Santa present day.