Peicein/Petit Series 1 Episodes Episode guide
Chan eil caraid ann coltach riumsa!/I’m the best friend who ever existed!
26/26 There's a new girl in school, Anna.
Am bi dìneasaran a’ bruidhinn?/Do dinosaurs talk out loud?
25/26 The Dinomania expo promises that dinosaurs are back on Earth.
Tha fhios agamsa cà it’ a bheil toileachas!/I know where to go to find happiness!
24/26 Out camping, Petit's grandpa tells the children the tale of the Happiness Horse.
Telling the truth is not always a good idea!
23/26 Petit starts telling white lies that grow little by little.
Feumaidh tu bhith dà n mus cleachd thu gruag!/You have to be brave to wear a wig!
22/26 Petit is happy to be the star of the school play.
Ma dh’itheas mi tòrr silidh bidh mi cho luath sa ghabhas!/Eating a lot of jam will make me very fast!
21/26 Petit finds out through his friends about the new Really Tasty Candy promo.
Tha mise a’ dol a shreap suas à rd!/I’m going to climb very high now!
20/26 Petit wonders how tall trees could grow if they never got cut down.
Nì mise na riaghailtean a-nis/I’m making the rules now!
19/26 Roman's parents are travelling, and they leave 'our favourite aunt' in charge.
Chan eil mi airson is gum bìd biastag eile mi!/I don’t want any more bugs to bite me!
18/26 Petit gets bitten by one of Tadeo's fleas.
Siud gu leòr iongantasan dhòmhsa!/I don’t want any more surprises!
17/26 Children’s Day is approaching.
Faodaidh obair a bhith còrdadh riut!/Work doesn’t have to be boring!
16/26 Petit invites his friends to his dad's workplace. (R)
Chan eil sgiobair ann coltach rium!/No one’s a better captain than me!
15/26 Petit and Laura argue about who should be the one that makes the rules of the game.
Is mise ròbot le prògram!/I am a pre-programmed robot!
14/26 Petit and his friends are having a lot of fun pretending to be robots. (R)
Cha fhreagair mo chù mi!/My dog won’t talk to me!
13/26 Tadeo is feeling sick and doesn't want to play.
Tha mis’ a’ dol a dhèanamh m’ airgead fhèin!/I am going to make my own money now!
12/26 Petit and his friends decide to create their own money and buy anything they want.
Tha mi air bhioran a bhith nam Shìonach!/I can’t wait to become Chinese!
11/26 Petit and his friends don't want to go to sleep because they want to keep playing.
Chan eil mi ag iarraidh piuthar tuilleadh!/I want to be an only child again!
10/26 Petit is tired of his little sister and decides that he will be an only child again.
Ionnsaichidh tu ruith, mus coisich thu!/You can learn to run before you walk!
9/26 While the kids are racing outside, Petit's mum asks them to take care of Tina for a while.
Oh no, I don’t want my brain to get wet!
8/26 Petit doesn't want to put his head under water.
Tha an t-à m ann airson cadal a’ gheamhraidh!/It’s time to hibernate!
7/26 Greg finds Gutierrez, Roman's missing pet turtle.
Am bi gaisgich ag òl tì?
6/26 Petit, Laura, Greg and Roman visit Petit's cousin, who's a super fan of princesses.
Tha mi airson a bhith mòr - an-diugh!/I want to be a big kid – today!
5/26 Petit and his friends want to ride the 'space' rollercoaster at the theme park.
Lorgaidh mi an ceangal eadarainn uile!/I’ll find the missing link between us all!
4/26 Petit and his friends must draw what they imagine the prehistoric missing link looks like.
Leams’ a tha ’n fhiacail – cha toir duin’ air falbh i!/My tooth is my own and no one can take it away!
3/26 Petit has a loose tooth and is not willing to hand it to the tooth mouse!
Cuiridh mi mi fhìn à sealladh!/I’ll make myself invisible!
2/26 To avoid Bruno, the bully of the class, Petit decides he has the power of invisibility.
Tha mo pheataichean mas-fhìor – fìor!
1/26 Petit wants to have a pet dog, but his parents give him a boring bird.