Ceol Sith
Come on a thrilling journey into the world of fairies and folklore with Ingrid Henderson. Thigibh air turas a-steach gu saoghal shìthichean agus creutairean os-nadarra eile le Ingrid NicEunraig.
Thigibh air turas a-steach gu saoghal shìthichean agus creutairean os-nadarra eile. Air chuairt ann an Alba, tha Ingrid NicEunraig a’ cluinntinn beul-aithris agus sgeulachdan a tha fhathast beo. Anns a’ program sònraichte seo, tha Ingrid a’ tòiseachadh ann an Loch Abar far a bheil mòran stòraidhean mar seo air maireachdainn.
As dèidh sin tha I a’ cluinntinn sgeulachdan nas tradisteanta anns an Eilean Sgiathanach. Tha I cuideachd a’ cluinntinn sgeulachd bhampire ann an Glaschu agus mu bheathaichean bhon uisge ann an Uibhist, mu maighidinn-mara agus each-uisge. Tha a cuid-siubhal ga brosnachach gus ceòl ùr a sgriobhadh agus a chluich ann an cuid de na h-à iteachan as drùidhteach san dùthaich. Air aon là imh ’s eeà lachas a th’anns a’ phrògram seo ach aig an aon à m, tha e a’ toirt dhuinn sealladh air spiorad mac an duine.
This is a thrilling journey into the world of fairies and folklore. Ingrid Henderson presents a tour around Scotland’s rich mythical worlds and composes music to bring them back to life.
Ingrid starts on her home turf in Lochaber where these stories are very much alive, and then heads to Skye with its traditional fairy stories. She also hears about a terrifying creature in Glasgow - the Gorbals vampire and talks to people in Uist about watery creatures such as mermaids and kelpies.
As she travels, Ingrid draws inspiration from the stories to create and perform specially composed music for the programme in stunning locations around the country. On the one hand this documentary is pure escapism, but it also gives us insight into the human spirit.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ingrid Henderson |
Executive Producer | Maureen MacLeod |
Executive Producer | Bill Macleòid |
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