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An Camshron Ùr

Episode 14 of 52

Tha Camshron na aoigh aig an tuathanas ach chan eil Sebastian den bheachd g’ eil e onarach. Cameron is a guest at the farm but Sebastian doesn’t think he is sincere.

Nuair tha Fèill Achadh an t-Samhraidh dol a bhith ann, tha Camshron a’ fuireach aig an tuathanas còmhla ri Belle is Sebastian ach chan eil Sebastian a' smaoineachadh gu bheil e uabhasach onarach.

When Summer Pasture Ceremony is about to take place, Cameron stays at the farmhouse with Belle and Sebastian, but Sebastian thinks that he is being insincere.

12 minutes


Role Contributor
Sebastian Ellen Macdonald
Adele Mischa Macpherson
Gabriel Iona Davidson
Casper/Damien Calum MacKinnon
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Writer Alec MacDonald


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