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Trioblaid san Taigh-sheinnse

Episode 22 of 52

Chan eil Roberta deònach ach àite-fuirich a thairgsinn do Sebastian. Dè mu Bhelle? Roberta is only willing to offer accommodation to Sebastian. What about Belle?

Nuair a tha Belle is Sebastian feumach air fasgadh bhon stoirm a tha tighinn, chan eil Roberta deònach àite-fuirich a thairgsinn ach do Sebastian a-mhàin. Ge b’ oil leatha, tha Sebastian 'son Belle fhaighinn a-steach cuideachd!

When Belle and Sebastian need shelter before a storm breaks, Roberta is willing to offer Sebastian shelter. Regardless, Sebastian wants to get Belle in also!

25 days left to watch

12 minutes


Role Contributor
Sebastian Ellen Macdonald
Cameron Claire Frances MacNeil
Roberta Maureen MacLeod
Damian Alaisdair Fraser
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Writer Alec MacDonald


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