Ramsay visits Naples and the Amalfi Coast. Tha Ramsay a’ tadhal air Naples agus (Cladaichean) Costa Amalfi.
Ramsay visits the Italian city of Naples and the neighbouring Amalfi Coast. After tucking into pizza in the very city in which it was invented, Ramsay downs an espresso before jumping aboard a scooter for a tour around Naples’ narrow and hectic streets. He climbs to the top of Mount Vesuvius, the most famous and deadly volcano in the world, before visiting the ancient town of Herculaneum which, along with Pompei, was destroyed in an eruption almost 2,000 years ago. Ramsey then escapes the chaos of the bustling city as he travels in style to a picturesque and peaceful fishing village on the Amalfi Coast.
Sa’ phrògram seo san Eadailt, tha e a’tadhal air baile-mòr Naples agus a’dol air chuairt faisg air là imh ma (chladaichean) Chosta Amalfi. E le là n a bhroinn de phiotsa sa bhaile a thòisich a leithid, espresso beag na dheidh, tha Ramsay a’ leum air bòrd sgùtair son cuairt timcheall srà idean thrang cumhang Naples. Dìridh e gu mullach Beinn Bhesubhius, am bhòlcà no as iomraitiche ‘s as cunnartaiche san t-saoghal mas tadhail e air seana bhaile Herculaneum, a chaidh cuide ri Pompeii a mhilleadh ann an spreadhadh ma dhà mhìle bliadhna air ais. A’teicheadh bho ùpraid a’ bhaile-mhòir tha e an uairsin a’ siubhal an stoidhle sìos tro Chosta Amalfi gu baile socair brèagha iasgaich.
Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ramsay MacMahon |
Director | Julie McCrone |
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