Episode 7
It’s April and Peter is preparing for a very poignant visit to the hut. A’ Ghiblein air tighinn agus Pà druig a’deisealachadh airson turas thiamhaidh chun bhothaig.
Peter MacQueen and his loveable sidekick, Seòras, are back for a series at his family’s special hideaway in Argyll. Always ready to turn his hand to a project, he will be gardening, attempting some DIY, heading out in the boat, eating delicious food, and making long-lasting memories with family and friends.
In this programme it is April and Peter is making an emotional trip to Argyll after the passing of Seòras. He travels alone to the hut where he visits Seòras’ final resting place and reflects on fond memories. Keen to keep himself busy, he then tries out his ‘hutney’ recipe before setting off in the canoe to nearby Eilean Dùin and sees the wild goats. The next day, he goes to Oban to do some planting with kids at the primary school and his dad and Uncle Stuart come back to the hut to build a cairn for Seòras and taste the ‘hutney’.
Tha Pà druig MacCuidhein ‘s a ghocan gaolach, Seòras, air ais airson sreath ùr aig a’ bhothaig teaghlaich sònraichte dìomhair aca ann an Earra-Ghà idheal. Daonnan deiseil is deònach airson pròiseact, bi e sa ghà rradh, ri DIY, a-muigh sa bhà ta, ag ithe biadh blasta agus a’ cruthachadh chuimhneachain buan, prìseil le cà irdean is caraidean.
Sa’ phrògram seo sa’ Ghiblein tha Pà druig air turas thiamhaidh chun bhothaig leis gun do bhà saich Seòras bochd. Tha e a’dèanamh a shlighe na aonar far an tadhail e air uaigh Sheòrais ‘s iomadh cuimhneachain prìseil a’ tighinn thuige. Dèidheil e fhèin a chumail trang, tha e a’feuchainn air reasapaidh na bothaig aige ‘neo ‘hutney’ mar a th’aige air mas tèid e a-mach sa chanù.
Là rna-mhà ireach tha e a’ dol dhan Òban a chur planntaisean cuide ri sgoilearan agus tha athair ‘s a bhrà thair san Stuart a’ tilleadh còmhla ris airson cà rn a thogail do Sheòras.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Peter Macqueen |
Director | Robyn Low |
Producer | Faye MacLean |
Editor | Mairead Morrison |
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