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Miorbhail Phaistean/Miracle Babies

Sealladh làn dòchais air obair-lannsa ginein. An intimate look at the world of foetal surgery, which is a story of hope.

Aig ospadal Mater Mothers ann am Brisbane, tha sgioba de eòlaichean ann aig a bheil ùidh shònraichte ann an leatromachd chunnartach, agus tha sinne air cead fhaighinn a dhol am broinn Ionad Leighis Mhàthair is Ghinean far a bheilear a’ dèanamh cuid dhen obair-lannsa as speisealta agus as mionaidiche ann an Astràilia.

Tha sinn a’ leantainn leatromachd trì cupaill agus iad a’ cur an earbsa anns an sgioba ioma-sgileil ’s iad airson an toiseach as fheàrr a thoirt dhan chloinn aice.
Chan eil obair-lannsa anns a’ bholg comasach ach ann an cuid de shuidheachaidhean – feumaidh pàistean eile feitheamh gus an tèid am breith.
Tha sinn a’ leantainn nam pàrantan treuna air slighe iongantach agus mì-chinnteach a tha a’ tòiseachadh am broinn a’ bhuilg, gus cuid dhen obair-lannsa as teicnigeach agus as teagmhaich ann an leigheas ùr a ghlacadh.

At Mater Mother’s Hospital in Brisbane, an expert medical team specialises in care during high-risk pregnancies. We have privileged access to the Maternal Fetal Medicine Centre where they carry out some of the most specialised and delicate surgeries in Australia.

We follow the pregnancies of three couples as they put their faith in the multi-skilled team in a bid to give their unborn babies a better outcome for life. But surgery inside the womb is only possible for a handful of conditions, other babies must wait until they are born.

We follow the brave parents on a remarkable and unpredictable journey starting inside the womb, to capture some of the most dramatic and technically demanding procedures in modern medicine.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes

Last on

Sun 2 Feb 2025 22:00


Role Contributor
Narrator Evelyn Coull Macleod
Executive Producer Calum McConnell
Producer Ann Morrison
Production Manager Marion Maclean
Producer Seumas Mactaggart
Editor Innes Macleod
