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Episode 1

Tha c貌ig cuileanan coilidh Astr脿ilianach a' dol a-mach dhan t-saoghal a choinneachadh rim maighstirean 霉ra.
Five Australian Border Collie puppies set out into the world to meet their new owners.

Stunning visuals of the Autumn sun rising in Goondy Creek, Western Plains open this episode, where we meet Debbie and Snip, the mother and father of the new litter of Muster Dog pups. After 14 long hours, Debbie delivers ten gorgeous Australian Border Collies. Five of these pups will steal our hearts as we watch them grow in the 12-month experiment.

These pups were bred by dog trialling champion and dog educator, Mick Hudson, and their bloodlines come from more than 100 years of Australian dog trial champions. Will this litter be as good as their ancestors and become Champion Muster Dogs?
Neil McDonald returns as our training expert with an updated experiment to cater to the training style of Border Collies. The key milestones for this season are set at five, seven, ten, and 12 months. Can this litter of pups be trained in that time to be quality working dogs?

T貌isichidh a' chiad earrann le seallaidhean eireachdail de ghrian an fhoghair ag 猫iridh ann an Goondy Creek air Raointean an Iar, far an coinnich sinn ri Debbie is Snip, m脿thair is athair 脿l chuileanan 霉r nan Con-Trusaidh. 脌s d猫idh ceithir deug uairean a th矛de tha deich cuileanan coilidh Astr脿ilianach aig Debbie. Glacaidh c貌ig dhiubh ar cridheachan is sinn gan leantainn a' f脿s tron deuchainn d脿 mh矛os dheug seo.
Chaidh na cuileanan am briodadh le Mick Hudson, gaisgeach farpaisean agus oide-chon, agus buinidh iad do shliochd a th' air farpaisean-chon Astr脿ilianach a bhuannachadh fad c貌rr air ceud bliadhna. An t猫id aig an 脿l seo a bhith cho math rin sinnsrean agus a bhith nan Gaisgich Chon-Trusaidh?

Tha Neil McDonald a' tilleadh mar e貌laiche tr猫anaidh le deuchainn 霉r airson freagairt air d貌ighean tr猫anaidh choilidhean. Chaidh na h-矛rean airson an t-sreath seo an st猫idheachadh aig c貌ig, seachd, deich agus d脿 mh矛os dheug. An gabh an t-脿l chuileanan seo an ionnsachadh gu bhith nan coin-obrach ann an d脿 mh矛os dheug?

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

Release date:

57 minutes


Next Thursday 21:00

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