Episode 2
As the five-month assessment approaches, the handlers are struggling to dedicate focused time to their pups.
As sweeping drone shots take us across regional Australia, we discover the pups are starting to develop their own unique personalities and build a good bond with the owners. Training for the five-month assessment is well underway, as Zoe and Cilla struggle to find their rhythm, plus there is boisterous Buddy and Ash the socialite.
Puppy expert Neil McDonald explains that at the five-month mark, the key to success is establishing a strong bond with the puppies, known as the Bluetooth connection. At this stage, you want the puppy to see that the trainer is in control. Neil sets out the eight key assessments that the pups must pass to move onto the next stage.
An cois ìomhaighean dròn de sheallaidhean air feadh Astrà ilia, chì sinn gu bheil na cuileanan a' fàs nan inntinn agus a' ceangal rim maighstirean. Tha an t-ullachadh airson measadh nan còig mìos a' tighinn air adhart gu math ach tha e doirbh dha Zoe is Cilla ruitheam a chruthachadh le Buddy beòthail agus Ash a tha cho leòmach.
Tha an t-eòlaiche chuilean Neil McDonald a' mìneachadh gu bheil e riatanach aig còig mìosan dlùth-cheangal a dhèanamh ris na cuileanan – rud ris an canar ceangal Bluetooth. Aig an ìre seo, bu chòir gun aithnich an cuilean ceannas a' mhaighstir. Tha Neil a' cur a-mach ochd measaidhean bunasach a dh'fheumas na cuileanan coileanadh airson gluasad chun ath ìre.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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