Gregor MacLeod learns about a recipe book from 100 years ago that has been kept in the family.
Gregor MacLeod travels the islands gathering delicious recipes and meeting brilliant bakers and cooks. He gets a taste of what they are stirring up in their kitchens as well as getting creative in his own.
A recipe can take us back and remind us of a time, a place or person. In Kyle, Gregor meets Barbara Smith whose most cherished possession is her grandmother’s recipe book. Gregor and her make gingerbread from that very guide.
Inspired by the book, Gregor takes note of a recipe for steamed syrup sponges and recreates them at home, adding a modern twist with a decadent coconut custard. Gregor also shares his most recent culinary creations, including a zesty Torta della Nonna with crispy pastry and a topping of pinenuts, and savoury cheese muffins flecked with veggie haggis, including a surprise in the centre.
Tha Griogair MacLeòid a’ siubhal nan eilean a’ tional sà r reasabaidhean agus a’ coinneachadh deagh bhèicearan ‘s còcairean.
Bheir reasabaidh air ais an tìm sinn gu à m sònraichte, à ite neo daoine. S a’ Chaol, coinnichidh Griogair Barbara Nic a’ Ghobhainn le rud cho prìseil ‘s a th’aice, leabhar reasabaidhean a seanmhair. Tha i fhèin ‘s Griogair a’ cleachdadh reasabaidh son aran-dinnsear as.
Le brosnachadh bhon leabhar tha Griogair a’ togail as reasabaidh airson spunnsaichean siorap a nì e aig an taigh ach le custard cnò-coco ga ùrachadh.
Seallaidh Griogair dhuinn an cruthachadh as ùire aige sa chidsin an Calanais -Torta della Nonna, blasta le taois còmhdaichte le cnothan giuthais. Agus cèicean neo-mhilis cà ise is taigeis glasraich ‘s rud nach eil dùil ris sa mheadhan.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Gregor Macleod |
- Thu 28 Nov 2024 20:30
- Sun 1 Dec 2024 20:00