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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 5

Inspired by trips to fancy Italian cafes, Gregor shows us how he puts his own twist on cannoli.

Gregor MacLeod travels the islands gathering delicious recipes and meeting brilliant bakers and cooks. He gets a taste of what they are stirring up in their kitchens as well as getting creative in his own.
A recipe can be so much more that a practical guide. In Harris Gregor meets Mairi MacKenzie who inherited her great auntie’s recipe book. A reminder of a special relation who was skilled in the kitchen.

Gregor and Mairi make her great auntie’s recipe for caramel shortbread, though she had a different name for it. Gregor is inspired by her recipe collection and takes a note of a recipe for carraway seed cake to try at home.

His head brimming full of ideas, Gregor also shows us his favourite recipes. He makes a chewy and light bread. And it’s secret ingredient? Porridge. Inspired by trips to fancy Italian cafes, Gregor shows us how he puts his own twist on cannoli.

Tha Griogair MacLeòid a’ siubhal nan eilean a’ tional sàr reasabaidhean agus a’ coinneachadh deagh bhèicearan ‘s còcairean.

Gabhaidh barrachd air stiùireadh fhaighinn bho reasabaidh. Sna Hearadh coinnichidh Griogair ri Mairi Nic Coinnich a ghlèidh leabhar reasabaidh a bh’ aig tè san teaghlach. Deagh chuimhneachain do Mhàiri air neach sgileil sa chidsin.

Tha Griogair ‘s Màiri le chèile a’ leantainn a reasabaidh airson aran-goirid caramal - ged nach b’e sin an t-ainm a bh’aice se air. Misnichte le a cruinneachadh tha Griogair a’ toirt às reasabaidh airson cèic sìol carraway.

A cheann fhèin a’ cur thairis le beachdan, seallaidh Griogair dhuinn na reasabaidhean as fheàrr leis. Nam measg tha lof aotrom, cagnach. Dè tha ga fàgail cho sònraichte? Dè ach brochan!
Cuideachd air a mhisneachadh le thurasan dhan Eadailt ’s a cuid chafaidhean leòmach, tha Griogair a’ cuir a dhreach fhèin air cannoli.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on

Sun 24 Nov 2024 20:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Gregor Macleod


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