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Srùb: Scotland on Coffee

Thig air turas sònraichte cuide ri Ellen NicDhòmhnaill ’s i ag ionnsachadh a h-uile sìon mu chofaidh. Join Ellen MacDonald on a journey to discover all there is to know about coffee.

Bho an t-Eilean Sgitheanach gu baile mòr Ghlaschu, tha Ellen NicDhòmhnaill air turas sònraichte gus a h-uile sìon ionnsachadh mu chofaidh agus an àite aige ann an Alba—cò às a tha e, cò dheth a tha e air a dhèanamh, agus ciamar a nì i fhèin sàr-chupa cofaidh? Thig cuide ri Ellen air a turas, bhon a’ phònair chun a’ chupa, ’s i ag ionnsachadh sgilean riatanach le gach ceum. Bho bhith taghadh na pònairean as fheàrr, gan ròstadh, gu a bhith a’ tarraing shotaichean espresso agus a’ cruthachadh latte ealain. Tha a turas gan toirt a Kenya, far a bheil i ag ionnsachadh mun obair chruaidh a tha an luib a bhith a’ fàs na pònairean cofaidh. Air ais ann an Alba, tha i a’ dol a chèilidh air ròstairean ionadail agus a’ falbh air splaoid gu Fèis Cofaidh Ghlaschu, fhad ’s a tha i a’ faighinn trèanadh bho aon de na baristas as fheàrr san dùthaich. Le sgilean ùra, a bheil Ellen ullaichte airson an dùbhlan mòr a tha roimhpe? Turas bhrosnachail mu chultar cofaidh ann an Alba.

From the Isle of Skye to metropolitan Glasgow, Ellen MacDonald is on a journey to discover all there is to know about coffee and the booming scene in Scotland. Where does coffee come from, what is it made from, and how to make the perfect brew? Join Ellen on her journey from bean to cup, learning essential skills at each step. From picking the finest beans, roasting them, to pulling espresso shots and crafting exquisite latte art.

The adventure takes her to a coffee farm in Kenya, where she learns about the hard work behind growing coffee beans. Back in Scotland, she visits local roasteries and attends the lively Glasgow Coffee Festival, all while training with one of the country’s best baristas. With her new skills, is Ellen ready to show off her talent in the ultimate barista challenge? Don’t miss this exciting exploration of coffee culture in Scotland.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes

Last on

Sun 29 Dec 2024 23:00
