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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 10

Linda visits Meaban and Moo with a challenge. Today, they must find musical instruments.

Bidh Linda a’ tadhal air a caraidean Meaban is Moo sa bhothan aca gus dùbhlain spòrsail a chur romhpa. Anns a’ phrògram seo tha i ag iarraidh orra rudan a nì fuaim agus buille a lorg gus an cleachdadh mar ionnsramaidean ciùil. Tha trealaich gu leòr sa bhothan aca agus feumaidh Meaban is Moo dìreach a dhol a rùrach!

Linda visits her friends Meaban and Moo at their hut to set them fun challenges. In this programme she tasks them with finding items that make a noise and a beat to use as musical instruments. Their hut is full of junk so Meaban and Moo just need to have a good rummage!

9 days left to watch

5 minutes


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