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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 10

Tha Meaban is Moo a' cruthachadh pìos ealain an urra. Meaban and Moo are making some artwork.

Bidh Linda a’ tadhal air a caraidean Meaban is Moo sa bhothan aca gus dùbhlain spòrsail a chur romhpa. Anns a’ phrògram seo tha i ag iarraidh orra pìosan ealain a chruthachadh le rudan a lorg iad air an tràigh. Saoil dè nì iad?

Linda visits her friends Meaban and Moo at their hut to set them fun challenges. She tasks them with creating works of art from items they found on the beach. What will they make?

Release date:

5 minutes


Next Tuesday 17:20

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